Packages Available


Paediatric Cardiology Packages
Cardiac Cath for Paediatric Patients (with non-ionic dye) Rs.10,000/-
ASD Closure by Amplatzer Septal Occluder – 1 Rs.110,000/-
For ASD Closure with Ciribriform Device –  1 Rs.110,000/-
For PFO Closure with Device Rs.110,000/-
For VSD Closure by Device Rs.150,000/-
PDA Closure by Amplatzer Device Rs.75,000/-
Ao/Pu/Coa Balloon (Pulmonary Valvuloplasty)
Dilatation of Coarctation with Bare Metal Stent (CoA Stent) 100,000/-
Dilatation of Coarctation with Covered Stent 110,000/-
PTMC 25,000/-
Valvuloplasty (Aortic, Pulmonary, Balloon Dilatation of Coarctation)
Package 1 (Cath for Valvuloplasty + Balloon) 50,000
Package 2 (Cath for Valvuloplasty) 20,000/-


Temporary Pacemaker Rs.10,000/-
AAI/VVI Rs.110,000/-
AAIR/VVIR Rs.110,000/-
VDD Rs.110,000/-
DDDR Rs.150,000/-
Introducer Sheath Rs.75,000/-


1. Closed Heart Surgery Rs.25,000/-
2. Vascular Surgery (Peripheral) Rs.10,000/-
3. Epi-Cardial Pacemaker Rs.10,000/-
4. Open Heart Surgery without prosthesis Rs.60,000/-
5. Coupon for each Valve Rs.50,000/-
6. Valve Conduit (for Aortic root replacement) Rs.140,000/-
7. Balloon for IABP Rs.30,000/-
8. Embolectomy Rs.10,000/-
9. Open Heart with single valve (50,000 + 50,000) MVR or AVR Rs.135,000/-
10. Open Heart with two valves (50,000 + 100,000) DVR Rs.160,000/-

Coronary Angioplasty Packages

1. Simple Balloon Angioplasty (POBA) Rs.40,000/-
2. Single Bare Metal Stent BMS-I Rs.70,000/-
3. Single DES Rs.6,000/-
4. Single DES-I Rs.175,000/-
5. Single DES-II Rs.160,000/-
6. Single DES-III Rs.130,000/-
7. Single DES-IV Rs.110,000/-